There are innumerable challenges facing our nation today, tearing at the very fabric of our society and culture. Gone are the days of functionality and fidelity to a common American vision, replaced by a divisive and destructive ideology bent on the obliteration of everything that once defined our great nation. Tennessee Eagle Forum is committed to taking a strong stance on a variety of issues, and helping raise the voice and vision of the conservative movement in America.
The EVIL of Female Genital Mutilation
ERA Rears its Ugly Head Again!
Say NO to Horse Racing and Pari-Mutuel Gambling
What's wrong with the National Popular Vote?
The Freedom to Report Act of 2017
Enhanced Fiscal Data Gathering Act of 2013
Balance: Joint Legislative Advisory Committee of 2013
Putting Tennessee First Act of 2012
Empowering Families Through Information Act of 2012
Material Support to Designated EntitIes Act of 2011
Refugee Absorptive Capacity Act of 2011
Tennessee Law for Tennessee Courts 2010
Protecting Free Speech for Tennesseans 2010
Protecting the Electoral College
ARTICLE V Federal Constitutional Convention
TN Eagle Forum
2500 Murfreesboro Road
Suite 105-511
Nashville, TN 37217