1. We have 'term limits', they are called "elections", every two, four, and six years. Just because voters are derelict in their duty, does not mean we must change our process.
2. 'Artificial' term limits means giving the bureaucracy a LOT more power; in addition, institutional memory and experience is no longer available.
3. Voters are prohibited from voting for the person they believe to be the best choice for that office.
4. Term limits creates multiple classes of 'lame ducks' and successive 'freshman' classes. We all know that in the last term any official serves, without re-election on the horizon, there is no longer the accountability that was once there.
5. This would prevent legislators from gaining the experience they need to become skilled lawmakers.
6. This would also interfere with experienced legislators gaining seniority to gain committee chairmanships and leadership positions.
7. Term Limits give Lobbyists more influence.
8. A term limits amendment is a feel-good palliative which distracts us from dealing with the real problem: People in Congress disregarding the Constitution.
Here's a look at congressional tenure, by the numbers:
The average years of service for Members of the 117th Congress, as of January 3, 2021, when the Congress convened, was 8.9 years for the House and 11.0 years for the Senate. In comparison, the average years of service for Members of the 116th Congress, as of January 3, 2019, when the Congress convened, was 8.6 years for the House and 10.1 years for the Senate.
So a term limits amendment is a feel-good palliative which distracts us from dealing with the real problem: Many people in Congress disregard the Constitution.
The way to effectively reform Congress lies in supporting and voting for candidates who uphold the belief in a stronger local government rather than a stronger national government. Term limits will not achieve the reform that is needed in our federal government because term limits will NOT RESTRAIN the power of our federal government.
TN Eagle Forum
2500 Murfreesboro Road
Suite 105-511
Nashville, TN 37217
Email: bobbie@tneagleforum.org